Why does sex hurt and how can it ...not?

Painful Sex, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, and Pursuing Pleasure

Cover art for Asking for Myself Painful Sex episode

Painful sex… we’ve almost all experienced it at some point or another. Especially if you have a vagina, but hey, penises and balls can hurt, too! I experience chronic pain with insertion for years, so this episode is my way of paying it forward to anyone suffering through painful penetration. Give it a listen. You deserve to experience maximum pleasure, always. 💖

Listen to the full episode :

Whether you experience the occasional mild discomfort, chronic painful insertion, or you have sex with someone who experiences painful sex, this episode is definitely one to listen to!

Today’s questions

  • What is vulvar pain vs vaginal pain?

  • When is it worth seeking help? What kind of help is available?

  • What is pelvic floor physical therapy (PT)? 

  • What is a “normal” amount of pain?

  • How can your cycle impact painful penetration?

  • How do you communicate with a partner about pain during sex?

  • Is there a correlation between perfectionism and pelvic floor pain/tension?

  • How do you speak up with a partner when experiencing discomfort and pain?

  • What is a sexologist and what does it look like to work with one?

  • Can mismatched sexual desire/libido be an incompatibility or can you work through it with a partner?

  • How can you “warm up” when you don’t have much time?

  • How can one get better at fingering?

  • What is it like to work with a pelvic floor PT?

Our guests

Alyssa Harper

Alyssa is a wellness influencer, bi/lgbtqia+ advocate, and host of the podcast She Said What?

Follow Alyssa: Instagram | TikTok | Podcast

Dr. Sabrina Baxter (DPT, PT)

Dr. Sabrina Baxter is a pelvic floor physical therapist and content creator educating the masses about pelvic floor health.

Follow Dr. Sabrina: Instagram | TikTok | Website

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Mia Davis

Mia is the founder behind this site! She is also the host of your favorite new podcast, Asking for Myself. She is passionate about empowering people with the information they need (and deserve) to live their best lives. She is also determined to help sexuality and mental health professionals scale their knowledge and reach more people in need. Her background is in product design and she may or may not watch a little too much reality TV. If you’re a Housewives fan, you’ll be sure to get along…


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